Dental Practices

‘A patient could collapse on any premises at any time, whether they have received treatment or not. It is therefore essential that ALL registrants are trained in dealing with medical emergencies, including resuscitation, and possess up to date evidence of capability’.
General Dental Council ‘Scope of Practice’ 2013
There is a public expectation that dental practitioners and all other dental care professionals should be competent in treating cardiorespiratory arrest.
There should be regular practice and teaching using simulation-based cardiorespiratory arrest scenarios.
Dental staff’s knowledge and skills in resuscitation should be updated at least annually.
At Safe Hands we can provide your practice with all your training needs - BLS, Medical Emergencies, AED training, Airway Management, Dental Immediate Life Support and Bespoke Courses.
All our Dental courses are approved by NIMDTA (Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency) for CPD points and CPDA and meet the 2018 enhanced CPD guidelines as issued by the GDC.
We will also look at your 'emergency box' and advise as to storage of emergency medicines.
Safe Hands has a wide range of experience in delivering specialised in-house and one-day courses for Dental Practitioners. We pay a great deal of attention to the training of basic life support and medical emergencies, and believe in early recognition and treatment of the sick patient and prevention of a cardiac arrest.
We assess every practice according to its needs and suggest lines of action for each practice member. Our training therefore includes all staff in a practice, focusing on the attributes, skills and responsibility of each staff member.