Dental Immediate Life Support
Following the new Standards for Dental Sedation in 2015 Safe Hands have developed a modified Immediate Life Support course for Dental Sedation teams. The course includes age and environment appropriate content to enable you and your team to meet the required standards.
The standards were clarified in December 2015 which state the following:-
What level of life support training does the sedation team need?
“Practitioners must be able to provide age-appropriate immediate life support as defined by the main elements of the Resuscitation Council (UK) ILS and PILS training programmes. It is not essential to undertake a Resuscitation Council (UK) accredited ILS/PILS course. Alternative courses with equivalent content which are adapted to the needs of dental practice are acceptable: these might also include the management of common sedation, medical and dental emergencies.”
Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry
FAQs 16 December 2015
Topics include:-
Causes and Prevention of Cardiorespiratory Arrest
ABCDE – Scenarios
ALS Algorithm Lecture
Initial Resuscitation (CPR, Defib, Drugs)
Airway Management
CAS Teach Scenarios
For further information or to book a course please contact us by completing our contact form or give us a call.